Our Story

our story photo
Hi there! Welcome to Cloud Sheep Fibers!

I'm Sierra, the owner and dyer behind CSF. 

I'm addicted to knitting, and I take all of my knitting projects seriously (maybe a little too seriously sometimes). Before I start a project, I always make sure to consider all aspects of the finished product: have I selected a color that will continuously bring me joy? Will this FO (finished object) be timeless? What kind of yarn do I want to use? The questions go on and on before I can decide on exactly what I will be making with which yarn. Sometimes, I feel like I need to pull out a legal pad to answer all these questions. 

In the end, my mind raises all of these questions because what I want is a perfect product that I can cherish for as long as possible. And a perfect product requires the perfect yarn.

My yarn-dyeing journey began when one day, I happened upon a post about hand-dyed yarn on Instagram. Before this, I had never thought about how the yarn I'd been using every day was made. I became enamored by the prospect of being able to create the perfect color that I wanted for my projects. 

I started Cloud Sheep Fibers to share the product of my experimentation with hand-dyed yarns with you. Every skein we sell is meticulously designed and dyed to our high standards. What is truly beautiful about hand-dyed yarns is that no two skeins are identical, so your final product will be completely unique. These yarns are the ones I use to make knits for myself, my husband, and my family. I hope that you can also begin your creative journey with our yarn and that our yarn brings you as much joy as it does to me! 

Our Wool

We have extremely high standards for our wool, both in terms of the quality and the process for harvesting the wool. Our yarn is mulesing free and sourced from a sustainable mill in Peru where ethical processes are used to collect the wool. Before we ship out every order, we double check each skein to make sure it is up to our standards and passes our quality checks.